Love Create Live
For years I avoided creating by helping others with their creations. In 2019 I responded to the invitation to explore my unknown without any expertise. It was in this space I began to experience the root of intimacy with the Creator. Painting, song, dance and rest are a bit of "fruit" from the root. So essentially creativity was birthed through engagement with Love. I believe "God is Love."
Together we bear a "fruit" that some enjoy to eat, others prefer to observe, and still some who do not prefer it. I found my delight to be fulfilled in rest with the Creator, rather than hidden within opinion.
Our heart posture is essential to the fruit we produce, similar to the essential nourishment a seed receives. While resting in communion I experience a freedom to create life. Each of the creations & paintings you see here are the life of the Creative Love in me. I believe each has a light to warm your heart and even a wind of encouragement for the ember in your heart. -Michael